With that in mind, I give you my sketches of the most popular enemies of Batman, according to the characterizations that made them shine the most.

These days Cesar Romero's take is under appreciated, yet he is just the same psychopath in a campy context. The only difference is that he has shorter temper, which is common ground with most comic book versions as well as the one in Batman: The Animated Series, portrayed by Mark Hamill and mostly based in 70s and 80s stories.
In Alan Moore's The Killing Joke the Joker gets a possible origin story that is never confirmed. Instead of being Jack Napier, he was a bad comedian who loved his family and the accident that transformed him completely reconfigured his personality.
The most different version of the Joker might be the one Heath Ledger did in The Dark Knight, his sense of humor is completely dry and his temper doesn't really boil.
Like a good psychopath, the Joker doesn't appear to have empathy. However, some iterations show shreds of it. Modern versions don't want to kill Batman and even avenge or protect him from other villains.As manipulative as he can be, he clearly can't live without Harley Quinn for long. And finally, he often bonds with peers like the Penguin or Catwoman.
My pick: Mark Hamill's is straight, classic Joker.

Around 1995 writer Chuck Dixon turned the character in to Gotham City's equivalent of Moriarty, which is the current version. Instead of dragging negative attention, he keeps a facade as a legitimate business man and rules the underworld without anyone being able to prove so. This is cleverer, but in this role he is often portrayed as a coward.
His background often changes. Some versions of his origin show him being bullied as a kid, some show that that he was an even bigger bully all along. Penguin Triumphant shows that he was always the bully and he extorted his peers.
Usually, the Penguin is one of the most social enemies of Batman. He seems to enjoy gatherings and likes to team up with other rogues, specially the Joker. When it comes to women, it's anybody's guess. He ranges from bitter or awkward to overconfident and even highly skilled.
My pick: Burgess Meredith defined the character.

She is also quite assertive, going for what she wants (and she only wants the best) and usually getting it. Under her frivolous facade, she actually cares deeply about good people and is capable of showing it. Her tendency to end up acting heroically often proves her altruism.
As a thief, she has her unique take on ethics, stealing from the rich and keeping it for herself or giving it to the poor. Either as a scheming mob boss with a gang of henchmen or as cat-burglar it is clear that she likes risk and danger.
Give or take, this traits are common to the most popular portrayals in animated series, video games and comics. Anne Hathaway in The Dark Knight Rises is the perfect example. In Batman Returns, Michelle Pfeiffer portrayal is always melancholic, but switches from clumsy and inhibited to bold and confident like the usual version. Julie Newmar, however, had a unique take as her main driving force seems to be her sense of thrill and fun. In her episodes, she is more outgoing and extroverted. She clearly enjoys teasing Batman and putting him in danger to see him escape. When it comes to Robin, she kind the attention he gets from Batman, so she is meaner to him. This version is echoed in Batman: The Brave and the Bold
My pick: Anne Hathaway, but almost tied with Newmar and Pfeiffer.

In The Laughing Fish, Joker's Favor, Almost Got 'Im, and The Man Who Killed Batman she is a moll in perfect tune with the Joker. She is usually seen in charge of executing the tricky parts of his schemes, and when it comes to his jokes, being the perfect Andy to his Conan. Her self control under pressure, her absolute lack of empathy towards people she knew her boss was about to kill (Sid the Squid, Charlie Collins, Catwoman) makes her a cold blooded psychopath. She seems like a top groupie with an agenda that excites her, like Claire Underwood from House of Cards or Mercy Graves in Superman: The Animated Series. Her relationship to the Joker is that of a partner. This version is likely close to the one in Brian Azzarello's Joker and the Birds of Prey TV series.
In Harley & Ivy, she is portrayed as a codependent girlfriend, she is dependable and can still plan ahead, the big differences are her empathy and her weaker confidence despite showing more capability for successful planning and executing than Poison Ivy or the Joker, who is just using her because of her talents. Despite only being used in one episode, this is the version that was used in No Man's Land when she was introduced as well as her first comic book series.
Finally, after the series was renamed The Adventures of Batman & Robin she is portrayed as a having full blown histrionic personality disorder (HDP). Like the Penguin in Birds of a Feather, she is all over the place calling attention to herself, has wild mood swings and a strong sexual drive, is completely deluded about the Joker and Batman and cannot plan ahead. Her abilities become all about skillful improvising. This final version has the most conflicted relationship with the Joker, as her lack of vision becomes a liability that angers him as much as her habit of stealing the show with her spontaneous jokes. He is basically using her for sex and her improvisational skills. Give or take, this version is the one appearing in The New Batman Adventures, The Batman, the Arkham video game series and Mad Love, which is que quintessential Harley Quinn story.
My pick: Psychopath Harley. All of them were portrayed by Arleen Sorkin.

Although more melancholic, less histrionic, and less choleric, he shares narcissistic personality disorder with the Penguin. The Riddler can try to be sociable, but he tends to alienate people and it's very hard for other villains to work with him.
My pick: Gorshin.

Egghead's pomposity and perfectionism can be compared with that of Kelsey Grammer in the roles of Frasier Crane (Frasier) or Sideshow Bob (The Simpsons), to the point to get away with elaborated, yet simple, "Pinky and the Brain" type of brilliant hits, as well as getting Batman right where he wants, only to downfall because of eccentricity and obsession with little details. His attitude as a super-villain is also close to Gene Hackman's Luthor, and so are his schemes, only the later is more ruthless. Which brings us to his empathy. He can use and destroy people without remorse, yet he is also able to have decent romantic relationships.
He probably has mixed elements within the cluster B of personality disorders without being an extreme case. He is a manipulative and cold type of psychopath, that feels to brag about his accomplishments.
My Pick: Vincent Price (like there is another option).
As I imagined, these profiles ended up a bit longer than the usual. So I will split the work in several parts. Here are the ones I've completed so far:
Soon I'll do King Tut, The Scarecrow, Poison Ivy, Killer Moth, Shame and the Ventriloquist.
In the meantime, here are some quick references to the type of criteria used in these sketches.
- Psychology Today - The 10 Personality Disorders, by Neel Burton, M.D.
- Wikipedia - Two-factor models of personality
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